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Machine Learning Notes


Things to be familiar with: Machine Learning:

  • Features
    • Observations
      • Continuous
      • Categorical
      • Ordinal
  • Labels
    • Indicators of groupings
      • Continuous
      • Categorical
      • Ordinal
  • Examples
    • Features with a label


  • Array / Vectors
  • Matrix
    • Multiplication
    • Inverse
    • Transpose
  • Polynomials
    • Line
    • Quadratic
  • Derivatives
  • Probability
    • Conditional
    • Distribution
      • Gaussian
      • Uniform
      • Beta

        Supervised Learning


        1. Defining a problem
        2. Creating a hypothesis
        3. Create simple Heuristic
        4. Measure Impact
        5. More complex technique
        6. Measure impact
        7. Tune model
        8. Decide which has better performance

Naive Bayes

Based on Bayes’ Theorem, it is known as a probabilistic classifier. Not great for predictions

Bayes theorem describes the probability of an event, based on prior knowledge of conditions that might be related to the event. It is also known to give us the allowance to “invert” conditional probabilities.

It can be expressed mathematically as the following equation: \(P(A|B)=\frac{P(B|A)P(A)}{P(B)}\) where A and B are events and P(B) != 0

Given this example of having trying to predict whether an email is a spam or not here we can use the Naive Bayes Classifier, in this case is heuristic instead of optimal
Probability chain rule

P(spamlist of words) > bayes theorem   
P(spamlist of words) = (P(spam) * P(list of wordsspam)) / ((P(spam) * P(list of wordsspam)) + (P(not spam) * P(list of wordsnot spam)))

Bottom part of the fraction is called a Evidence The model we are using is called the Bernoulli Model The whole fraction is called the posterior

Classifies if spam if these conditions are met and are true (spam | list of words) = (spam) * (list of words | spam)

To figure out the probability if a word is in a spam message then we have to also account for all the other words in the model - that list would be called a vocabulary

We need to utilize the *probability chain rule. In this incase when using this we are assuming each word is independent to each other which helps with calculations it in turn increases the bias - which hinder the models ability to understand nuances in the data

This reduces down to multiplying of each word showing up in a spam message

If theres a probability where one word has the probability of 0 of showing up in spam in an email we can implement *Laplace smoothing which is basically adding 0.5 to word probability to every word

To pre process or featurize the data we would need to perform these steps before feeding it into the the model:

Tokenization: Removing white space, punctuation, then creating the a list of just tokens Stop word removal: Remove word non important words Non-alphabetic removal: Remove symbols that aren’t words Stemming: Removes -ing, -es -> Studies -> Studi Lemmatization: Removes -ing but with nuances -> Studies -> Study - Requires more computations

Some people use Lowercasing, but this can remove the marking or name nouns places

After feautrizing we can then vectorize the list, where we convert the value in to binary

Priors - P(Spam) Likelihoods - P(list of words|spam)


Accuracy is how many correct prediction vs false prediction - Only takes into account true positive and true negatives - Doesn’t penalize false negatives or false negatives Confusion Matrix is used can be used to differeniate between accuracy of two models

Sensitivity: True Positive / (True Positive + False Negative) - The models ability to classify correctly - Fewer false positives Specificity: True Negatives / True negatives + False Positives - The models ability to correctly classify legitimate cases - Fewer false negatives Precision: True Positive / True Positive + False Positive - Percentage of true positives F1 Score: 2(sensitivityprecision) / (sensitivity+ precision) - Harmonic mean between sensitivity and precision

There is a trade off between specificity and sensitivity which can be balanced by adjusting the decision point or decision threshold

Labeled data is split into training set, validation set, and test set

Validation set gives an opportunity to tune the model

When we are tuning the decision point we can plot it a Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve

To find the optimal tuned decision point we need to find the equal distance between the two extreme

When comparing different models, just take the area under the curve, which ever value is higher, that model is the better predictor

Hyperparameter Tuning Parameters are static variables that go with the model, like in laplace smoothing

Validation - Holdout Validation - Cross-Validation - K-Fold - Will find the most different ways to split the data into training set, validation set, and test set - train the model and compare the performance - Leave-one-out(k=n) - Best for small data, it is k fold but k-1

Naive Bayes Optimizations

When there are multiple variants to detect we can add another term into the formula

P(__) = ()/(P(K) * P([]KK)) + (P(L) * P([]LL)) + P(M) * P([]MM)

Multiple priors and likelihood *Likelihood will change

Naive Bayes Classifier has a few variants of its formula. - Gaussian - Supports continuous values - Assumption that each class in normally distributed - Pros - Simple and fast - Solves multi-class problem -> good for identifying sentiment - Does well with few samples for training - Performs well in text analysis problems - Cons - Relies on the assumption of independent features - Not ideal for large number of numerical attributes -> will cause high computation and will suffer the curse of dimensionality - If a category is not captured in the set, the model will assign 0 probability and you will be forced to use smoothing techniques - Multi-nomial - Event based model - Uses feature vectors represents frequencies - Detects the counts of events - Bernoulli - Event based model - Uses features that are independent boolean in binary form - Detects whether event is present or not Techniques for NLP - TF-IDF (Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency) score - Express importance and unimportance of a word

When the data shifts in categories we can retrain the model in specific intervals - we can incrementally train the model

*Feature Hashing - Do not need to retrain the model as much - Reduces targeted adjustments in vocabulary

K-Nearest Neighbors

Goal: Understand the a label of an unknown based on their nearest

Euclidean Distance

  • Distance formula between each nodes

Picking K might be beneficial to pick an odd number

*Jaccard Distance (#mismatches/#comparisons) *Hamming Distance

Models based on distance will be sensitive to scaling

Improve model through adding weight and scaling the data Computationally Expensive - Reduce computation -> KD Tree, binary tree that splits the N dimensional space into layers -> Suffer dimensionality growth pains

Decision Trees

When the decision tree is being trained, given the data set it creates a tree where its split based on a threshold of a feature.

Gini Impurity: Chance fo being incorrect if you randomly assign a label to an example in the same set 0-1

Information Gain = Starting Uncertainty - Average Uncertainty

Partitioning sets based on average uncertainty based on the feature classifier questions

To stop partitioning we can assign a max depth, assign minimum of numbers of examples in a node or go until the nodes are pure (although can cause over fitting the data)

How we would handle
- Missing data - Surrogate splits - Multi class labels - Same but adds the second label to impurity - Regression - Instead of gini impurity we’re gonna used mean squared error -> basically average MSE of all examples

CART over fits easily - Limit max depth to 5 - Boosting - Taking weak learners which are shallow depth trees and combine them into a stronger learner - Can overfit more, and needs cross validation - Using bagging - Bootstrap: You make multiple sample sets from the main data set and run it through the model (row sampling with replacement) -> Aggregation: then combines to one output - Trains the next model based off the first error - Random forest - Averages the output from the multiple models

C4.5 - Designed for classification - n-ary splits - information gain entropy

Linear Regression

Goal of Linear Regression is to create best fit line given the plotted values. With this line a user has a ability to plug in a value and receive a predicted value. To find the linear regression

y=ax+b y - dependent variable / labels x - independent variable / features a - slope b - y intercept

  1. Finding A: a = sum of (xi - avg x)*(yi - avg y) / sum of (xi- avg x)^2
  2. Checking P value of coefficient, if the p value is less than 0.05 then its seen as significant -> coef / standard error of a coefficient = t-statistic and then find that value in a t distribution
  3. Check confidence interval of the coefficient: coef - CI * SECoef - coef+CI * SECoef
  4. Interpretation - Correlation of feature and label, positive R is a positive correlation, negative R is a negative correlation, 0 correlation is no correlation
  5. Check performance with R squared value, the explained difference of the variance, the higher Rsq then less unexplained variance Rsq = 1-(var(errors)/var(y)) Adj R2= 1-(n-1/n-2)*(1-R^2)
  6. When working with multivariate functions, collinearity needs to be considered - this is when there is a possibility where independent variables are have correlation - how we interpret the coefficient will have to change
  7. To find collinear variables, we can look at VIF (Variance Inflation Factor) 1 - no collinearity 1-5 - moderate

    =5 - severe - need to use a mitigation strategy Mitigation strategy example: centering

  8. Feature interaction If a independent variable has interaction than another we can describe that in the function by multiplying together as an interaction term - after the introduction of the interaction term, if the Rsq goes up and the p value turns significant We can make an interaction term with an independent variable with itself

If you put too many terms you can over fit your data

Care for Simpson paradox

Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is similar to linear regression, but instead of y being a predicted value it is a probability of an event occurring.

Sigmoid function or logistic regression p(y|x) = (1/(1+e^-(Bix+B0)))

  1. Assign a loss Loss(yhat, y) = ((y)log(yhat) + (1-y)log(1-yhat))difference in yhat and y yhat is predictive value y is actual values cross-entropy: Loss(yhat, y) = -[((y)log(yhat) + (1-y)log(1-yhat))]
  2. Performance and optimization Sum of cross-entropy loss / # elements Average loss among coefficient relate to variables, and how can we use the loss as an indicator for optimization When plotting Loss v the Logistic Regression, you can find points of optimization alone the line by calculating the slope of change. The goal is to get closer to minima, and when this happens the loss function has converged and loss has been minimized You can find the derivative of the loss function by using dloss/dB1 = sum of [yhati - yi]x1i This will find the minima of the curve Gradient Descent: When you combine the derivative of each coefficient and its loss in a vector it becomes a gradient which will tell us how to adjust each weight of each parameters of the weights We adjust like this: B0 = B0coeff - dB0eff and so on

Bi^th = Bi^t - r deltaBi

r being a learning rate, reduces the chance to overshoot the minima - choose an optimal learning rate so its gets quickly to the minima but doesn’t miss it

Outcome of the predictive model, we can determine if something will happen given a threshold

Follow up with cross validation to find the optimal threshold

TO find the decision boundary 1 dim: -(b0/b1) 2 dim: -(b1x1-b0)

represent that in a model in the gradient** vectorb = [d(loss)/d(b0)]

  1. Interpretation of impact on coefficient on output Odds ratio: e^B1 Percent changed odds: 1-e^b1

  2. Multiple classes When you want to predict between multiple classes, you have to use a multinomial regression with softmax, make sures that the probability among the class prediction equals out to 100, the highest probability will be the predictive class

Multiple class model: p(y=2|xi)= (1+e^-(b12*xi1+…+B02)/ sum of 1+e^-(B1k * xi + … + B0k))

Loss function: Loss(yhat,y)= sum of -[sum of (yi)log(yhati^k)] / # of elements

Gradient: dloss/dB1^k = -sum[yi - yhati^k]x1i

  1. Optimization Batch Gradient Descent: Loss and average of all the training examples and finding the gradient and updating the parameters Stochastic Gradient Descent: Pick random training example, find its updated loss and then update - very slow to converge Mini Batch: Take a small batch of the data and perform gradient descent, so there is less noise and its faster

Over fitting happens when a weight for a parameter becomes way too large. In this case we can use Regularization, which is basically adding an extra term

Regularization Terms L2, Ridge, Gaussian L1, Lasso, Laplace

Best tuned through cross validation

Early stopping parameters to prevent over fitting

Mix Max Scaling XiScaled = (Xi-Ximin)/Ximax-Ximin

  1. Performance McFadden’s pseudo-R^2 .2-.4 good fit

naive bayes - generative logistic regression - discriminative

Support Vector Machine

Cares more about how correctly things are classified than the exact probability of classification

Instead of using a decision threshold, it cares more about a decision boundary

Decision boundary can be defined by this formula: 0=wx-b Positive examples: 1=wx-b Negative examples: -1=w*x-b These formulas are dot products

The distance between the negative and positive example line is called a margin and can be defined by 2/norm of w w 

Goal is maximize the margin without going past the negative and positive examples, we need to minimize the norm of W

w^tx-b >= 1 when yi=1 w^tx-b <= 1 when yi=- yi(w^tx-b)>=1 -> constraints min ||w|| -> optimize

constrained optimization problem

quadratic programming to fit model weights would result in hard margin SVMs

soft margin svms min ||w||^2 + c(regularization) sum of ei (error term) yi(w^tx-b)>=1-ei

we can max our error term like so: ei=max(0,1-yi(w^tx-b))

we can turn this into an optimization formula with no constraints min ||w||^2 + regularization of sum of *max (0,1-yi(w^tx-6))

*hinge loss

here we can plot it and also use sub gradient descent with pegasos

Kernel Trick -> Allows us to avoid transforming out feature to larger dimensions and still get dot product

Cant use the kernel trick with svm in a primal form -> dual of svms

representor theorem to represent the weights of svms w=sum of ai* yi *xi

take the dual max sum of ai - 1/2 * sum of aj * ak * yj * yk* xj^Txk max sum of ai - 1/2 * sum of aj * ak * yj * yk* kernel(could be linear, polynomial, gaussian) function of(xj^Txk)

great for # example N is much larger than the dimensions we want to project

RBF Kernel (Gaussian kernel) Krbf = e^(-(||x-xi||^2)/2sigma ^2)

if sigma is too small, overfitting if sigma is too large, underfitting

SVMS can be used for regression

Key Takeaway linearly separate separable data Hard SVM v Soft SVM Soft SVM has slack variables Soft SVM can use soft gradient descent to optimize We can add feature interaction term which is preferred when we have low dimension If we dont have large data, and we want to project into a high dimensional space, we can use the kernel trick SVM, are distance based with margins, if there is a low number of examples,start with linear svm If you have a ton a points but not that many features you might want to start with logistic regression

Unsupervised Learning


Organize data in K # of groups Pick centroid and find all distance and then the data point will assume the centroid label when its the closest Then update centroid to be the average of the cluster Then repeat When the centroid doesn’t change then it has converged We take the euclidean distance We can sum the distance and get the inertia We want to minimize the inertia to form the best cluster We need to find all possible clusters and measure the inertia and compare Time complexity n^(kd+1) with lloyd’s algorithm we can get nkd We’re approximating the best cluster

When there is local minima we can get stuck there

Bisected K-means whatever cluster has more inertia then we perform kmeans on that cluster

  1. Optimize Use elbow method, we plot all clusters and map the inertia Silhouette Method a(i)=avg(d(i,j)) s(i)=(b(i)-a(i)/max(a(i),b(i))) if we plot avg the si per cluster, we get a peak and that is the silhouette coefficient

Centroid Classifier K-medians - manhattan distance K-medoids - k cluster average, than use the real data point closest K-modes - gauges differences similarities

Single linkage cluster takes closest point in each cluster and then compare them to the other parts of clusters complete linkage cluster takes the farthest points and compare them

K means is distance based and perform scaling and standardize xhat = x-xavg / sigma KD tree help performance Vulnerable to high dimensional data

Singular Value Decomposition

input array can solve for three different matrices

A=UEV^T U - Rotation Sigma - Scaling V - Final rotation

A1 -> rotates axis, maps the points on the axis and rotates it back Another rotation is performed perpendicular to the first axis

Go through Rank 1 to Rank N to find the best coverage We can only use m-n rows for this system in the second matrix there is you take the first element of the and then divide the sum of the whole matrix and that will give you the variance percentage

plot the coverage of information for each rank and you want to find the ranks that will cover 95% of the

These vectors comes from Eigendecomposition

A=UEV^T <- each point is an eigen value A = (ui=(Avi/sigma)(eigenvalues AA^T)(eigenvectors (A^T)A))

Eigendecomposition can only really work on square matrices The ranks of the Eigen values are not perpendicular so we cant break them down

PCA - Principal component analysis A is standardized

(A^T)A/N-1 = VLV^T (A^T)A -> usually unstable

A standardized =(UE) principal components V^T

We can use PCA or SVD for dimensionality reduction Also nonlinear dimension reduction like Kernel PCA

Deep Learning

Neural Networks

Takes the input and multiple by the weight, then added up to summation then passed through a nonlinear function sigmoid function(activation) then result into output. sigma(w transpose x) = predictive output then we can add a bias inside of the (w transpose x + 1*bias)

We use the same loss like we do in logistic regression and then take the gradient

Then we can update the weights

The output will be feed into another logistic regression

Each neuron will have to make a decision boundary so it can have a full output

How complex the data is the depth of the network is greater

OPTIMIZATION Loss function of cross entropy

To find the deviation of these function you use numerical gradient - takes a long time Analytic Gradient -> take d of loss The chain rule, to know the partial d, we can do: dL/dw6 = dL/dYOut * dYOut/dYIn * dYIn/dw6

We can use chain rule and dynamic programming to do back propagation

Training we need a forward pass and when we have the loss we can do back propagation to update the weights Using the same algorithm

To optimize we can use stochastic gradient descent, but slow We can use momentum into gradient descent w^t+1 = w^t - rDelta^tLoss - rDelta^t-1Loss, the momentum term keys to the algorithm how much the past should affect the current adjustment w^t+1 = w^t - v^t v^t = yv^t-1 - rDeltaLoss Problem with momentum, is that you can skip over global optima

Adagrad can be used instead momentum which utilizes a learning rate for a parameter w1^t+1=w1^t - r1^t * (dloss^t/dw1) r1^t = rgeneral/sqrt((dloss^t-1/dw1)^2 + … + (dloss^t-n/dw1)^2) + e

Adam combines momentum with an adoptive learning rate w1^t+1=w1^t - (rgeneral/sqrt(vhat)+e) * mhatt mt = b1 * mt-1 + (1-b) deltaLoss^t vt = b1 * vt-1 + (1-b) (deltaLoss^t)^2 b= beta hyper parameters One instance mthat = mt/1-beta1^t vthat = vt/1-beta2^t

Other optimizers adaelta rmsprop

Two major problems occur in optimization

  1. exploding gradients where values become to big
  2. vanish gradients where values become too small

INITIALIZATION To solve this we can use initialization where we start each edge with a weight bad way, is to initialize with uniformed or normal distribution Xavier / Glorot(glowrow) initialization better way is to initialize with normal where mean is o and sigma is sqrt2/fi+f0 fi = number of inputs or nodes in the layer f0 = number of output nodes in the next layer

activation functions symmetrical and rectified linear unit - all neg value will b 0 and all positive value will be positive pro

  • more computationally efficient
  • tends to produce better model performance
  • sparsity (reduces over fitting)
    • 0 value for all negative inputs


  • uncapped activation, exploding gradient
  • dying ReLU problem
    • once the neuron is zero its zero FOREVER

Kaiming for asymmetric activation functions like leaky reLU initialize with normal where mean is o and sigma is sqrt2/fi

Feature scaling

Activation Function Sigmoid ReLU variants - start with frist Hyperbolic tangent tanh Can use different activation function in each layer

To output multiple class probability - softmax for regression - use linear activation function

Performance Checking Loss Functions Mean Sq Error L2 L(y,yhat) = sum (yi-yihat)^2 / n Mean absolute error L1 L(y,yhat) = sum |yi-yihat| / n cross-entropy log loss L(y,yhat) = (ylog(yhati))+(1-y)log(1-yhat)

Regularization L1/L2 added to loss L1 L(y,yhat) = -sum yi log (yhati) + lambda sum|wi| L2 L(y,yhat) = -sum yi log (yhati) + lambda sum wi^2 Dropout When neural networks node has constantly updating probability of success, if nodes don’t meet that probability requirement they are dropped Cons When forming predications outside, nodes wont be dropped out and can mess things up So we use inverted drop out, we divide each layer by probability, so it will match on prediction and test time

Architecture start with one hidden layer #neurons = input+output / 2

start with more layers and unit than u need see which weights are near zero after training then prune

Feature Scaling Activation Functions Loss Function Optimizers Regularization Terms Dropout Specifications Architecture

Convolutional Neural Networks

Image processing -Filtering with kernel - Blur - Outline - Gray Scale

Overlay kernel over image Zero padding Multiply - scale image to make sure it between 0 - 255 This will find the outline

Applying to neural network filtering with kernel with weights Which is called a convolutional layer Receptive field, for every neuron we have subsets of rows where neurons are aware of - Reduces parameters from 256 to 9 - Shares the 9 parameters across the entire layer - Kernel dimension usually 3x3, 5x5, 7x7 odd numbers to use centering - Padding - Can stack multiple kernels for multiplication to make output feature maps / images

Initialization will help kernel learn different things Channels Split images into RGB and then do filtering with kernels Then after we sum the results for one feature map

Layer processing Given: Image with 3 channels, 185x185 dimensions Use: 5x5 kernel Valid zero padding Stride 2 Feature maps: 6 channels 91x91 dimensions

To find new dimensions [ n input + 2p-k/s] + 1 [dimension of input + 2*padding - kernel size / stride] + 1

- More than one conv layer is typically used
- The earlier layers learn line and corners
- The deeper layers learn curves and shapes from the lines and corners

Larger strides smaller dimension outcome, but preserve important parts of image

Pooling layer Like filtering with a kernel, max pooling outputs the highest value from the filtering Reduces dimensions and outputs the important parts of the image This techniques makes it shift invariant Can do avg pooling but max pooling preferred When using max pooling, it will reduce the dimensions but will keep the channels Flatten map Makes all stacked maps into a flatten map

Model: Layers: Input -> ConvL -> Max Pool Layer -> ConvL -> Flatten Hyperparameters - Regularization - Optimizers - Initialization Training - Split, Training, Validation, Test - Epoch - Mini Batch

When over fitting add drop out When its too slow to converge add batch normalization

State of the Art CNN - Alex net - Res net - Google net

Recurrent Neural Networks

Cannot use fully connected neural network if there are different sized inputs To fix this we can set a fixed length of message to send and receive

Given message -> Array of strings, index becomes identifier Initial message will get padding Goes through hidden layers and we get our yhat Map it back through the dictionary

Or we can do recurrent network Use same neuron, then added is another summation of activation function into a hidden state Sliding window input to this neuron Attach hidden state to softmax -> max output is the length of set output

We can add a layer of hidden state activators after a fully connected layer from the input To get better responses Then soft max all hidden state Adjust window size


Loss - Categorical cross-entropy - Soft Max activation - Words in the vocabulary

Training Back Propagation Through Time Loss summation through each sliding window step Gradient of loss will be sum of loss at time t DeltaLoss = SumT of Delta Loss at T Uses chain rule Hidden state relies on previous hidden state So we need to have all the previous time step

As time step increase gradient zero is more likely with vanishing gradient - Loss of memory as time goes on

To solve this we can use Long Short Term Memory LSTM - RNN - Uses gates to control what gets remembered, ignored, and recalled Goes through different gates

  1. Forget gate takes previous hidden states, tells what memory can forget based on long term memory
  2. Input gate, we have two fully connected layer tanh and sigmoid - 0-1, how much of the input goes into long term memory
  3. Output layer, specify how much of long term memory can be recalled - previous hidden state and input

You can have two adj LSTM which is called a stacked lstm and use soft max to unify output - Bidirectional LSTM -> Two LSTMS - GRU - No cell state, only hidden - Two gates, resets and updates

alter input to optimize Embedding Layer
- Takes in the number of total words and dimensions to use for the words - creates a map and values are embedded values - Better predictive performance - Transplants embedding layers into your model - Glove and word lucc alter output to optimize - hierarchical soft max -> represent as a tree

Generative Adversarial Neural Networks

Model Two neural network in self Generator -> Attempt to generate - Loss, min loss Discriminator -> Tries to correct generator - Loss, maximize loss Use min max loss

Images: Convolutional Pixel Shuffle -> increases dim but reduces feature maps

Training Mini-batch of lb Avoid mode collapse -> unrolled GAN

Evaluation MSE PSNR - images

Recommendation Systems

Collaborative and Content Based Filtering

Collaborative Filtering if user n reads post k, that is marked as 1 as an interaction User categories are made by users with similar post interactions and are recommended post from the user group that user hasn’t interacted with Similarity is measured in For binary indicators Jaccard matching interactions / matching interactions + non matching interactions Cosine Add product of two users / multiply the entry of ea. user squared Hamming distance Sum up the differences

Prediction: Response u1 = sum of sim(u1,ui) * response ui / sum of |sim(u1,ui)|

For non binary indicators Similarity metrics Euclidean Manhattan Pearson Correlation Cosine

sum (u1 - mu of u1)(u2 - mu of u2) / multiply users sq sum of (ui - mu ui)^2 prediction formula: response = sum of sim (p1,pi) * response u21pi / sum sim(p1,pi) evaluation: MSE

Item based collab filtering

  1. Calculate item-item similarity matrix
  2. Predict response for ui
  3. Recommend the item with the highest prediction

User-based Time Complexity O(U*P) -> O(U+P) Pro Greater diversity Con Expensive

Item Based Time Complexity O(U * P^2) -> O(U * P) Pro Less Re-calculations Con Lack of diversity

Memory-based Recommender systems User-based - Apply time decay to the prediction Item-based - Apply more weight to less frequented items Better used when not alot of user or products

When a lot of users and items use Matrix Factorization Good in practice, u and p are generally same size

In the user item matrix, factorizes into terms matrix hat up = U P + bias p + bias u Loss = 1/n sum (matrix up - U P + bias p + bias u)^2 We can also add regularization to bias

Implicit ratings, we can use binary matrix and transform it into a non binary matrix

Cant use ordinally least sq we have to use alternating least sqs Keeps constant one of the values we’re solving then go to the next

Retraining Deep Learning Extension Inputs would have their own embedding layers Then to connected layers There would be linear activation

Collab challenges - Cold start - Brand new users and items - Can’t recommend - Rec popular - Rec based on category selected - Echo chamber - Seeing same thing recommendation - Show more diversity - Shilling attack - Users manipulate rating

Content based Filter - No need for others users’ data - Requires context about the items

Deep Learning Hybrid to mix user/item and content based

Use side features for content on the deep learning extension


Learning to Rank

Candidate generation Matrix factorization Plot the embedding Top k, to find this Euclidean distance cosine similarity dot product

Deep recommendation systems Also have embedded layers and plot them as well

Give a initial ranking then as users start clicking, it then learns to rank and gives the model feedback

Using loss function -> using gradient descent for loss function

When adjusting the prediction based on the user feedback, the predict will say the true or false in label rules in comparison to two items

Paralell documents Users and Document -> COnnected Layers -> Linear Activation

RankNet Pairwise may not be best penalty, might want to consider more documents in the penalty, its pretty inefficient

LambdaNet - more efficient,can find gradient update for a document in comparison to all others - NDCG, considers more than a pair of documents, normalized discounted cumulative gain - considers document up to position p - to compare dcg across users, normalize - allows us to use the same loss for all users - incorporate into loss - not differentiable

Update function Difference is that you are subtracting terms instead of adding them

Lambda MART - Lambdanet but uses gradient boosted trees - Lambda in place of gradient - Appears to be pairwise, but the nDCGp considers elements beyonds pairs

Why is it called gradient boosted tree, it uses MSE to pass to the next tree

Implicit Relevance Feedback Using multiple user feedback to generate a ranking

Evaluation Metrics - nDCG: average across all users - mean average precision - binary - usually calculated for some position p(like nDCG) - averaged across all users - mean reciprocal rank - binary - average across all users - sometimes it preferable to encode n-ary labels as binary for evaluation - all of these can be used in the lambda


  1. Generate top k from labels with embeddings
  2. Top k candidates from each generator will be ranked via LambdaMart for each user
  3. De Bias our clicks
    • Presentation / Trust bias
      • If the post is even seen
      • Even if it is seen, they may not interact because it’s far down the results

Key Terms


Machine Learning Model Based On: Attaching numeric values to candidates
Goal: Order the candidates where the candidates are ordered from most likely to be interacted with to the least likely to be interacted with.

Supervised Learning

Machine Learning Model Based On: Previously observed features and labels, structured data Goal: Attach the most likely label to a group of features.

Unsupervised Learning

Machine Learning Model Based On: Unlabeled examples Goal: To produce patterns from the data and discover something previously unknown about the unlabeled examples

Deep Learning

Machine Learning Model Based On: A collection of connected units, used on unstructured data Goal: Input an example which is parsed through hidden layers to perform unsupervised or supervised learning

Recommendation Systems

Machine Learning Model Based On: System of models Goal: Present an item to user that user is likely to consume


A column of data describing an observation. Can be continuous, categorical, or ordinal


A name paired with a set of features, can be discrete or continuous - used in supervised models


Pair of features and labels


The number of features with a particular example


Feature vector is a list of features representing a particular example


Array of values consisting of multiple rows and columns

Matrix Transpose

An action that flips matrix over a diagonal


A function with more than one coefficient pair


Indicates how much the output of a function will change with respect to a change in its input


How likely an event is to occur. This can be independent or conditional

Probability Distribution

A function that takes in an outcome and outputs the probability of that particular outcome occurring.

Gaussian Distribution

Also known as normal distribution, a very common type of probability distribution which fits many real world observations

Uniform Distribution

A probability distribution in which each outcome is equally likely


An approximation of a relationship between an input and an output


An approach to finding a solution which is typically faster but less accurate than some optimal solution

Bernoulli Distribution

A distribution which evaluates a particular outcome as binary. In the Bernoulli Naive Bayes classifier case, a word was either in a message or not in a message, which is a binary representation


Indicate the probability of particular class regardless of the feature of some example


The probability of some features given a particular class


The denominator of the Naive Bayes classifiers


The probability of a class given some features


The list of words that the Naive Bayes classifier recognizes

Laplace Smoothing

A type of additive smoothing which mitigates the chance of encountering zero probabilities within the Naive Bayes classifier


The splitting of some raw textual input into individual words or elements


The process of transforming raw inputs into individual words or elements


Used in a step of featurizing. It transform some input into something else. One example is binary vectorizer which transforms tokenized messages into a binary vector indicating which items in the vocabulary appear in the message

Stop Word

A word typically discarded, which doesn’t add much predictive value


Removing the ending modifiers of words, leaving the stem of the word


A more calculated form of stemming which ensures proper lemma results from removing the word modifiers.

Decision Point

Also known as a decision rule or threshold, is a cut off point in which anything below the cutoff is determined to be a certain class and anything above the cut off is the other class


The number of true positives plus the number of the true negatives divided by the total number of examples

Unbalanced Classes

When one class is far more frequently observed than another class

Model Training

Determining the model parameter values

Confusion Matrix

In the binary case a 2x2 matrix indicating hte number of true positive, true negatives, fake positives, and false negatives


Also recall, is teh proportion of true positive which are correctly classified


The proportion of true negatives which are correctly classified


The number of true positives divided by the true positives plus false positives

F1 Precision

The harmonic mean of the precision and recall


The technique of holding out some portion of examples to be tested separately from the set of examples used to train the model


The ability of a model to perform well on the test set as well as examples beyond the test set

Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve

Also ROC curve, is a plot of how the specificity and sensitivity change as the decision threshold changes. The area under the ROC curve, or AUC, is the probability


Any parameter associated with a mode which is not learned

Multinomial Distribution

A distribution which models the probability of counts of particular outcomes


Short for Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency, TF-IDF is a method of transforming features, usually representing counts of words, into values representing the overall importance of different words across some documents

Online Learning

Incremental learning within a model to represent an incrementally changing population


A series of adjacent words of length n

Feature Hashing

Representing feature inputs such as articles or messages, as the results of hashes modded by predetermined value


A machine learning python library which provides implementations of regression, classification, and clustering

Kernel Density Estimation

Also KDE, a way to estimate the probability distribution of some data.


A consolidated group of points

Euclidean Distance

The length of the line between two points

Feature Normalization

Typically referring to feature scaling that places the values of a feature between 0 and 1

Feature Standardization

Typically referring to feature scaling that centers the values of a feature around the mean of the feature and scales by the standard deviation of the feature

Jaccard Distance

One minus the ratio of the number of like binary feature values and the number of like and unlike binary feature values, excluding instances of matching zeros

Simple Matching Distance

One minus the ratio of the number of like binary feature values and the number of like and unlike binary feature values

Manhattan Distance

Sum of the absolute difference of two input features

Hamming Distance

The sum of the non-matching categorical feature values

Decision Tree

A tree-based model which traverses examples down to a leaf nodes by the properties of the examples features.

Sample Size

The number of observation taken from a complete population

Classification and Regression Tree

Also CART, is an algorithm for constructing an approximate optimal decision tree for given examples

Missing Data

When some features within an example are missing

Split Point

A pair of feature and feature value

Line of Best Fit

The line through data points which best describe the relationship of a dependent variable with one or more independent variables. Ordinary least squares can be used to find the line of best fit

P Value

The probability of finding a particular result or a greater result given a null hypothesis being true

Confidence Interval

The possible range of unknown value. Often comes with some degree of probability


The relationship between a dependent and independent variable

R Squared

Also the coefficient of determination the percentage of variance in the dependent variable explained by the independent variables


The distance between points and a particular line

Independent Variable

A variable whose variation is independent from other variables

One-hot Encoding

An encoding for categorical variable where every value that a variable can take on is represented as a binary vector

Dependent Variable

A variable whose variation depends on other variables

Variance Inflation Factor

A measure of multicollinearity in a regression model


When one or more multicollinearity independent variables are not actually independent

Nonlineaer Regression

A type of regression which models nonlinear relationships in the independent variables

Simpson’s paradox

When a pattern emerges in segments of examples but is no longer present when the segments are grouped together


Python module which provides various statistical tools


Another name for a parameter int he regression model

Sigmoid FUnction

also the logistic function, a function which outputs a range from 0 to 1

Closed Form Solution

For our case, this is what ordinary least squares provides for linear regression. Its a formula which solves an equation

Cross-Entropy Loss

A loss function which is used in classification task. It’s technically the entropy of true labels plus the KL Divergence of the predicted and true labels. Minimizing the the entropy minimizes the difference between the true and predicted label distributions


Also weights or coefficients. Values to be learned during the model training.

Learning Rate

A multiple typically less than 1, used during the parameter update step during model training to smooth the learning process

Odds Ratio

The degree of associate between two events. If the odds ratio is 1, then the two events are independent. If the odds ratio is greater than 1, the events are positively correlated, otherwise the events are negatively correlated

Multinomial Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression in which there are more than two classes to be predicted across


A sigmoid which is generalized to more than two classes to be predicted against

Gradient Descent

An iterative algorithm with the goal of optimizing some parameters of given function with respect to some loss function. If done in batches, all of the examples are considered for an iteration of gradient descent. In mini-bath gradient descent, a subset of examples are considered for a single iteration. Stochastic gradient descent considers a single example per gradient descent iteration.


Removing a number of majority class examples. Typically done in addition to upweighting


Increasing the impact a minority class example has on the loss function. Typically done in addition to downsampling.


One complete cycle of training on all the examples


A technique of limiting the ability for a model to overfit by encouraging the values parameter to take on smaller values

Early Stopping

Halting the gradient descent process prior to approaching the minima or maxima

Mcfadden’s Pseudo R-Squared

An analog to linear regression’s R-squared which typically takes on smaller values than the traditional R-Squared

Generative Model

A model which aims to approximate the joint probability of the features and labels

Discriminative Model

A model which aims to approximate the conditional probability of the features and labels

Support Vectors

The most difficult to separate points in regards to decision boundary. They influence the location and orientation of the hyperplane


A decision boundary in any dimension


Here, the L2 norm, is the sq root of the sum of squares of each element in a vector


A feature of group of features which vary significantly from the other features


The relaxing of the constraint that all examples must lie outside of the margin. This creates a soft-margin SVM

Hinge Loss

A loss function which is used by a soft-margin SVM


THe gradient of a non differentiable function


A function which has kinks in which a derivative is not defined

Convex Function

Function with one optima

Kernel Trick

The process of finding the dot product of a high dimensional representation of feature without computing the high dimensional representation itself. A common kernel is the radial basis function kernel


The location of center of a cluster in n-dimensions


The sum of distances between each point and the centroid

Local Optima

A maxima or minima which is not the global optima

Non-convex function

A function which has two or more instances of zero-slope

Elbow Method

A method of finding the best value for k in k-means. It involves finding the elbow of the plot of range of ks and their respective inertias

Silhouette Methods

A method of finding the best value for k in k-means. It takes into account the ratios of the inter and intra clusters distances


Using a weighted probability distribution as a way to find the initial centroid locations for the k-means algorithm

Agglomerative Clustering

A clustering algorithm that builds a hierarchy of sub clusters that gradually group into a single cluster. Some techniques for measuring distances between clusters are single-linkage and complete-linkage methods

Singular Value Decomposition

Also SVD, a process which decomposes a matrix into a rotation and scaling terms. Its is a generalization of eigendecomposition

Rank r Approximation

Using up to and including, the rth terms in the singular value decomposition to approximate an orginal matrix

Dimensionality Reduction

The process of reducing the dimensionality of features. This is typically useful to speed up the training of models and in some cases, allow for a wider number of machine learning algorithms to be used on the examples. This can be done with SVD or PCA and as well certain types of neural networks such as autoencoders


Applicable only to square matrices, the method of factoring a matrix into its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. AN eigenvector is a vector which applies a linear transformation to some matrix being factored. THe eigenvalues scale the eigenvector values

Principal Component Analysis

Also PCA, is eigendecomposition performed on the covariance matrix of some particular data. The eigenvectors then describe the principle components and the eigenvalues indicate the variance described by each principals components. Typically, assumption is not true, then you can use kernel PCA


Perpendicular is n-dimensions


Sometimes called a perceptron, a neuron is a graphical representation of the smallest part of a neural network. For the Machine Learning Crash Course reference neurons as nodes or units


A vector of partial derivatives. In terms of neural networks, we often use the analytical gradient in software and use the numerical gradient as a gradient checking mechanism to ensure the analytics gradient is accurate


Any train value in a model,

Feature Transformation

A mathematical function applied to features

Hidden Layer

A layer that’s not the input or output layer in a neural network


The use of the derivative chain rule along with dynamic programming to determine the gradients of the loss function in neural networks

Forward Pass

Calculating an output of a neural network for a particular input

Local Optima

A maxima or minima which is not the global optima


A concept applied to gradient descent in which the gradients applied to the weight updates depends on previous gradients


An optimizer used to update the weights of a neural network in which different learning rates are applied to different weights


A common gradient descent optimizer that takes advantage of momentum and adaptive learning rates


Any parameter associated with a model which is not learned


Techniques which attempt to optimize gradient descent

Vanishing Gradient

The repeated multiplication of small gradients resulting in an overflow or 0 value products

Exploding Gradient

The repeated multiplication of large gradients resulting in an overflow or infinity value products

Initialization Techniques

Ways to cleverly initialize the weights of neural networks in an attempt avoid vanishing and exploding gradients. Kaiming initialization used with asymmetric activation functions and xavier glorot initialization, used with symmetric activation function are both examples. These techniques usually depend on the fan in and fan out per layer

Activation Function

The function used to the output of a neuron. These activations can be linear or nonlinear. If they’re nonlinear, they can be symmetric or asymmetric

Rectified Linear Unit

An asymmetric activation function which outputs the value of the positive inputs and zero otherwise. There are variations such as the Leaky ReLU. They can be susceptible to the dead neuron problem but generally perform well in practice

Hyperbolic Tangent

A symmetric activation function which ranges from -1 to 1

L2 Loss

The sum of the squared errors of all training examples. Not to be confused with L2 regularization

Mean Absolute Error

The average of the absolute differences across the training examples


A regularization technique used per layer to reduce over fitting. Dropout involves randomly omitting neurons from the neural network structure at each training iteration. Effectively, dropout produces an ensemble of neural networks. Dropout is incomplete without adjusting for the dropout in preparation of prediction

Binary Classification

A supervised learning task in which there are two possible outputs

Pruning Neurons

Removing neurons from a neural network in an effort to reduce the number of model parameters if by removing the neurons equivalent performance can be obtained

Fully Connected Neural Network

A neural network that has every neuron connected to every other neuron in subsequent layer; also called a dense layer

Image Kernel

A single array consisting of some defined numbers, which is applied to an image for some desired effect. Usually used in the context of image filtering

Image Padding

Adding a border of zero-valued pixels to an input image. The goal of padding is typically to ensure that the dimensions of an image remain thesame after applying an image kernel. Libraries typically allow two options: Valid padding, which means not to pad the image and same padding which means to zero-pad the image

Convolutional Layer

Similar to fully connected neural layer; however, each neuron is only connected to a subset of neurons in the subsequent layer with respect to a receptive field

Receptive Field

The number of neurons in a preceding layer which are connected to an adjacent layer of neurons. The largest receptive field a fully-connected neural network


The incremental rate at which a kernel is applied to an image or feature map

Feature Map

The result of applying a kernel to an image or to another feature map


The number of stacked image, typically representing Red Green Blue pixels, or the number of feature maps produced by a convolutional layer


Most often max pooling and sometimes average pooling, in which a kernel is applied to an image and the max or average of the pixel values in the kernel overlay is the resulting pixel value in the output image

Shift Invariance

One of the goals of a convolutional neural network: objects within an image can be in different areas of the image yet still be recognized

Flatten Layer

Takes in a series of stacked feature maps and flattens out all of the values into a single feature vector

Mechanical Turk

A crowdsourcing service which performs on-demands tasks that computers are currently unables

Batch Normalization

The process of normalizing values by means of re-centering (subtracting the mean) or re-scaling (dividing by the standard deviation) before they go to subsequent layers in the neural network. The goal is to accelerate the learning of deep neural networks by decreasing the number of epochs required for the loss function to converge


Software that acts as an interface for Tensorflow and aims to simplify the experience of working with neural networks

Graphics Processing Units

A specialized device that has many cores, allowing it to perform many operations at a time. GPUs are often used within deep learning to accelerate training of neural networks by taking advantage of their ability to perform many parallel computations

Pre-Trained Models

Models which have already been trained. These trained models can be used as layers like embedding layers of not yet trained neural networks to increase performance of these neural networks

Recurrent Neural Network

Also RNN, a neural network in which the output is routed back into the network to be used with subsequent input

Hidden State

The output of the recurrent neural network at the previous timestep

Cell State

Used within a long short-term memory LSTM acting as additional hidden state

Backpropagation Through Time

Backpropagation with an RNN in which an additional partial derivative term is calculated per time step that the input required

Long Short Term Memory

A type of RNN with a cell and hidden state, input gate, forget gate, and an output gate

Gated Recurrent Unit

A type of RNN with a hidden state, update gate, reset gate

Embedding Layer

Typically used as a first layer in a neural network which is optimized to transform the input in an effort to maximize

Gradient Clipping

Capping the value that the gradient is allowed to be. This is typically used in an effort to avoid exploding gradients. However, initialization techniques are favored

Generative Adversarial Networks

Also GANs, take advantage of a concept called adversial min max. The generator generates fake data and tries to minimize a particular loss function and the dscriminator tries to correctly identify fake data from real data in an effort to maximize a partciular loss function.

Mode Collapse

A challenge of training GANs in which the generator data which successfully confuses the discriminator and so the generator exploits this vulnerability and only produces that particular data over and over. A way to mitigate this is to force the generator to see responses from the discriminator multiple timesteps ahead. One such method is called an Unrolled Gain

Content Filtering

A recommendation technqiue which takes into account a single user’s features and many items’ features

Collaborative Filtering

A recommendation technqiue which uses many user’s and item’s data typically in the form a user-item matrix

User-item Matrix

A matrix which contains the interactions of users and items. Items can take tghe form of products, music, and videos

Pearson Correlation

A measure of the correlation between two inputs. In the context of recommendation systems. Pearson correlation can be used to construct an item-item similarity matrix

Time Decay

The added modelling assumption that interactions between items and users should count for less over time

Inverse User Frequency

The added modelling assumption that if a user interacts with a less overall popular item, then the interaction should count for more.

Matrix Factorization

Factors the user-item matrix into embeddings such that multiplying together the resulting embedding layers gives an estimate for the original user-item matrix

Implicit Rating

A rating obtained from user behavior as opposed to surveying the user


Refers to APIs which provide machine learning capabilities on Spark data frames

Cold start

A challenge with recommendation systems in which users or items are new and there is limited or no information in terms of the user-item matrix. This can make personalized recommendations difficult or impossible

Echo Chamber

A state of recommendation system in which user behavior is reinforced by the recommendations themselves.

Shilling Attack

A type of attack on a recommendation system in which users manipulate the recommendations by inflating or defalting the positve interactions for their own or competing items

Candidate Generator

A system which outputs the candidates to be ranked. This is sometimes referred to as retrieving the top-k

Embedding Space

The n-dimensional space where embeddings exist. Typeically, the emebedding space can be used to generate the top-k candidates by the using the k-nearest neighbors algorithm

Cosine Similarity

A smiliarity metric which is equal to the cosine of the angle between two inputs in some embedding space

Linear Activation

A symmetric activation function which assigns the output as the value of the input

Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain

An information retrieval metric which assigns a value of a particular ranking based on each item’s position relevance

Mean Average Precision

A binary ranking metric which takes into account the relevance of ranked items with regards to their position

Mean Reciprocal Rank

A binary ranking metric which takes into account the first spot in a ranking which contains a relevant item


A learning rate for gradient boosted trees

Side Features

Features in addition to item and user embeddings. This can include properties of items and users

Implicit Relevance Feedback

Feedback obtained from user behavior as opposed to surveying the user

Presentation and Trust Bias

Biases found within ranking which arise from the placement of items within a ranking

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Statistic Review Path

Large Scale Machine Learning Notes